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Takk til alle jeg har vært velsignet med å få kontakt med så langt på denne veien. For en guddommelig opplevelse det er å dele tilstedeværelse med slike utrolige sjeler over hele denne verden.

Her er vi, mens vi går hverandre hjem gjennom blokkeringene, øker bevisstheten og vokser i tilkobling sammen som en global familie.


Jeg er takknemlig for disse opplevelsene med deg. Fortell meg om økten din. Jeg vil være beæret over å lese om din unike opplevelse med meg.

White WIld Flowers
Wild Horses on the Prarie

Snow is a miracle worker.


We spoke with her after taking our baby to the doctor to try to clear up red bumps all over his arms and legs, trying different things for over 5 months.


After none of that made any difference, we talked to Snow and she immediately pinpointed the issue - within a few weeks our baby’s skin was back to clear, healthy and beautiful!


She detected the root of the issue and his body was healed from within by strengthening his gut biome and providing extra vitamins he was needing.


We are so grateful for her expertise and her guiding wisdom!


- Cindy Tucker



My session with Sarah was a catalyst in connecting my spiritual experiences with my practical life and the expansion that I felt burgeoning.


Elements of my life that once felt erratic, intense and startling, came into alignment with her guidance and intuitive nudging.


What was central to the potency of the session was Sarah’s insistence on lifting the sublime nature and simplicity of an awakened life that I felt existed but could not find. It is with a gentle whisper we are all changed,


Sarah speaks with these whispers, fluently, so much so that she helped me find and trust it within myself.


What she offers is a confident companion willing to take your hand and help you find your way home after the street lights have come on… be prepared to meet yourself.”





United States

Yellow And White Flowers

I am still glowing after my session with Sarah yesterday and looking forward to listening to the recording. 


It was a beautifully wholistic, symbiotic connection that got right to the heart of the matter and felt like an on the spot healing.


I felt so affirmed and nurtured and so attuned to the guided meditations and non-verbal visions and sensations, it left me wanting more.


After the session the physical distress I was feeling had disappeared and has stayed disappeared today. I feel hopeful and excited and truly grateful.

Anne Nayer

US Virgin Islands

Wild Nature

Sarah is a beautiful vessel of sacred truth and wisdom. My session with her was so deep and so profound; it shook me to my core.


It’s taken me months to integrate and prepare to live into her words.


I’ve returned to our recording, and I’ve used it to orient myself on my journey.

I hold deep gratitude to Sarah for her being and her work in this world.

Shine on.

Sakeenah S. El-Amin

United States

Hot spring in the forest

"The "Soul Path Activation Session" really delivered what it promised. A few days after our session, I had clarity about my "career path".


I realized I was currently on the right path with my work in writing and dance but needed to take it to a higher dimension, the soul dimension.


This realization was perfectly aligned with my gut, heart and head. Now I am slowly walking the path."




I grew up in a very conservative christian environment in East Texas where I still live. While I’m grateful for my family and those around me that invested in me, I could sense that there was both truth and much more to the story than I was being told. I had no idea what that “much more”  was and I knew deep down that the people I was supposed to go to with questions didn’t have the answers either. Throughout several occasions in my life, I’ve felt a deep vibrating sense of “God’s” (don’t get hung up on the word “God” if that’s triggering for you) love throughout my body, felt the deliciousness of presence, heard music that wasn’t being played by anyone here, or felt what I think is best described as “knowings” on a several occasions. To keep it brief, I knew deeply that whoever “God” was, it’s essence was Love and even though the dogma, teachings, actions, and scriptures that I grew up with didn’t all line up with that, I assumed that what didn’t line up, God would eventually reveal to me how it made sense. To put it like this: I grew up within a system, a culture, a way of seeing the world accompanied with certain language and terminology, I grew up within a box as most of the world does in various forms, then I had these experiences so I assumed they must be attributed to and eventually  explained by the box of belief that I grew up in. That the God that I knew was Love must be the God described by the form of Christianity I grew up in and only that one.

In my mid-twenties I left the church not originally intending to never go back but definitely feeling a pull to completely step outside of the culture that I had lived in to view it from the outside, to learn from that perspective, and to ask any question I desired regardless of whether it fit neatly inside the box I had lived in. Over the next 6 years God did reveal more of itself, first by breaking down almost all my early beliefs until all that I could comfortably and honestly say is that we are to Love God (whoever that is) and love people. The last few years God has been slowly revealing more of itself to me just like I desired when I was young but it doesn't fit inside or look like the Christian box that I grew up with. In short,I find it moving in and out of everything. I find sparks of God everywhere.

Two months ago I reached out to Sarah, feeling a pull that she was someone that I could open up to. I felt that she knew the same things I knew yet in a more embodied way and would be able to help me grow in understanding. I’m so grateful that I followed that pull! During our first session, my story was incredibly jumbled but she held space for that and tuned into what my heart was trying to get at, which is Knowing and Embodying presence for myself. not simply intellectual belief and endlessly searching for answers in books. I want to KNOW me, I want to KNOW God, I want to KNOW you not just occasionally, I want to live in that flow and from it. As I was stumbling trying to get everything out, Sarah had us pause, we breathed and brought peace and presence into the call. She helped me shift my focus to my own breath, to the presence within me. She helped remind me of the felt, lived experience of God inside of me. Calling me to look and to know within myself. How can you be skeptical of what you yourself experience inside of you? And how can you know what lies there if you never look?


She was guided to read pages from a book that directly mirrored lyrics in songs that I had written, things that I knew but that I needed to pursue. She read “So I ask you to not look within the world but to look within the heart for what you will continually find there because your truth has already been written on the heart and by seeking there and no longer in the world will you find the confirmation that you are looking for. For you do not know the truth when you hear it, you know it when it is written on your heart, it is written on your heart because it is you.” I had written 2 year prior “You are the law of love, written on our hearts, through all of history, just like the cycle of life, we make way for the breath of God.” So much of my understanding of my lyrics correlates to to what she read and spoke throughout the meeting. 


In subsequent meetings, she helped me work through breaking generational cycles of hurt, judgements, pride, and disregard, looks like. A form of “burying the hatchet” but showing what that looks like specifically in my situation. As soon as she said it, it clicked immediately, it seemed so obvious and simple yet had somehow remained elusive. It was like a light bulb I had been fumbling in the dark trying to find that she merely flipped the switch to. In doing the work after that meeting I’ve already seen so much repair with my parents. 


In parallel with our meetings I had been doing reiki, tarot, and plant medicine with a healer locally. To go into all the synchronicity between the two would take too long but the tarot cards that I received here not only spoke directly to my personal meditations, music, previous things that Sarah had said etc, but were directly in line with the tarot cards that Sarah pulled. She doesn't always use them but had felt led to use them for me not knowing that we had just done them locally. These cards continued to confirm so much that had come up in various forms regarding breaking ancestral patterns, looking within myself, letting go of my identity, serving others, and more.


Lastly, Sarah gave me more breathwork tools to settle into the stillness, to feel the energetic body, to look within, to dwell, to embody peace and love, to increase awareness and presence, to know God. I could go on for much longer, but I’ll finish with this: Sarah held non-judgemental space for me and moved through the meetings from her spirit. These two things allowed for the openness on my part, and allowed her to cut straight to the root of an issue, block, word to speak, or re-orienting of the meeting through breath and presence. Through this we covered so much territory in a short amount of time. I’m incredibly grateful for Sarah and that she has decided to share her light with others.


I look forward to meeting again!" 

Connor Walters

United States


I have worked with Sarah for a few sessions. She was incredible in guiding me figure out what messages I was getting through my dreams and more.


She helped me understand for the first time in my life what self love truly looks like and how to put that in practice. She has an inner knowing and wisdom which is extraordinarily helpful in helping her clients.

My sessions with Sarah definitely accelerated my awakening process by a lot.


What I learned with her in a few weeks took me a lot longer to learn before. They say when the student is ready the teacher arrives, perhaps I was ready but without her help I still wouldn’t have reached the understanding as fast as I did.

I highly recommend working one on one with her.. even if you are not fully ready Sarah can help identify what you need to work on and that's worth everything!

Sanjida A.

United States

Mountians and Lake

I highly recommend working one on one with Snow.


Her natural abilities to connect with source and you as a client is a life changing experience.

I am still integrating my experience, but overall the amount of release, catharsis and healing that occurred in our session has allowed me to have the courage to step into my truth in both my relationship and career.


Snow is her authentic self and it gave me the permission to also be my true self. The environment she creates is very loving, safe and open.


Thank you Snow for the work you do for others. your light is very bright and shines everywhere you go

Aimee Irene


Winding Roads

Everything you say always resonates so strongly with me, and beyond your words, your energy reminds me to remain connected to truth. Even though it has been a couple of months since our last session, I think of you often, and my journal falls open to the pages of notes that I took from the sessions, so that I can integrate more. Your words and teachings are still rippling through me. 

Since the last session, I uncovered some repressed emotions from abuse that happened when I was a child, and in healing that, my whole path has opened up before me. Nothing that happened before this moment exists or matters. I truly feel free. And your interview reminds me that it is not me that creates my path. I am walking the path of God, so all I am to do is surrender to it. 


When I released the repressed emotions, several synchronistic events led me to starting a new business with a client. We will be running retreats, starting in Fiji next year. It the most bizarre feeling to know that all we need to do is surrender and trust. I've always run my businesses from the ego, and there has always been anxiety and stress. With this business, there is an energetic force behind it that says "I don't care what you do, I'm coming, so you better get out of the way". 


Thank you for coming into my life when you did.


Much love! 

Debbie xoxox

Debbie B.


Aerial View of Beach

Tbh so much was lost on me during our actual call, and so much of your message when I replay it, I find now was spot-on, and exactly what I need to hear, now. I hadn't realized in the moment how much accuracy your message contained basically from the first moment you started speaking directly to me when our call began. Just wanted to confirm with you that-- so spot on and I'm so immensely helped by the precision of it, and Wow, thank you!


Shortly after our call I was placed in a really clear and obvious way directly in this call of medicine work and things in that way were made really apparent... before I had had my doubts. I spent some time in the pure jungle in ceremony with a shipibo curandero who opened many doors with his songs which were keys I feel, and many things took place. I've been back from that place for < 2 months now and navigating again through different landscapes and tests of patience and gliding through, trusting still learning.


Many blessings, initiations, plantings, and training. I hope it's okay that I give you an update! I am so grateful that you're here and that you shine your light in this way. I am continuing in following, once again, so appreciative of your guideposts... I still have not made my way completely through the recording yet because much of it is so dense (though many attempts), in a good way.


So grateful! THANK YOU!!!

it's so funny how much of your messages just flew right past me during our call. lol! but thank you for foreseeing and speaking to exactly what I would need to hear.

resting and receiving and following 


many blessings to you!

Dramatic Sunset

I recently completed an emotional healing therapy package with Sarah, and can say it was a deeply healing shift in my life to receive her help.


Her loving insight is a blessing, and such that by the end reflected into a deeply felt trust and comfortability within and for myself and others.


I feel so grateful to walk away with a relationship I know will support and love me within my journey, and I hers. If you’re desiring a reflection of God’s love, mwah you’ve found the right girl

Harmony Light


Wheat Field

I'm so grateful to have an experience of meeting of the souls.


I've felt connected to Sarah on a level where healing begins.


I was calm and joyful in Sarah's Presence, Wisdom and Flow.


Ivy Lee


White Flowers

Sarah is amazing! I can't even begin to describe how incredible a session with Sarah is!

She clearly is a channel for God's love, light, and wisdom. 


She has been extremely helpful in guiding me and letting me know that I'm on the right path. 

I highly recommend her!

Thanks again, I'm forever grateful!


Tamara Trejo

United States

Growing Plants

Thank you. 

You are a beautiful ray of sunshine. I woke up feeling paralyzed by fear of the impending decisions and changes and asked Prime Creator God for Grace and Guidance and then I opened this email and it was in this email in the book segments. 

Thank you... Helps me be reminded reality is never the story of fear our ego is spinning.  Resistance is my obstacle to break through. 

I love you for your love and care...

Steve Fierro


Fall Tokens

Et av Sarahs budskap til verden er at vi alle er flerdimensjonale åndelige vesener som har en menneskelig opplevelse, liv etter liv.


Omstendighetene i livet mitt har stort sett vært gunstige, og jeg er dypt takknemlig for alt jeg har og alle jeg har møtt. Likevel, til tross for alle mine velsignelser, har jeg hatt denne irriterende følelsen i det siste at jeg på en eller annen måte underveis hadde vandret bort fra min skjebnebestemte åndelige vei, og at jeg ikke utlevde mitt fulle potensial.

Jeg følte at det hastet med å finne ut mer om veien min.

Min søken etter svar førte meg til Sarah.


Min Soul Path Activation økt med henne var tankevekkende og øyeåpnende. Innsikten og rådene jeg fikk var så mye mer enn jeg noen gang kunne ha håpet på! Helt fra begynnelsen av økten min med Sarah følte jeg en umiddelbar forbindelse, som om jeg hadde kjent henne for alltid. Hun er raus og empatisk. Hun skapte et rom for meg hvor jeg følte meg trygg, forstått og verdsatt. Under økten vår, tok hun inn i sjelens energi, og nesten umiddelbart kom visse emosjonelle blokkeringer og sårbarheter til syne - en skyldfølelse angående tidligere hendelser, og en frykt for å få min tillit ødelagt igjen. Fordi jeg ikke hadde funnet motet til å ta tak i disse smertefulle følelsene på den tiden, hadde jeg begravd dem dypt inni meg.


Sarah hjalp meg med å innse hvordan dette hadde ført til visse gjentakende mønstre i måten jeg oppfattet verden på og hvordan jeg handlet i mine forhold til mennesker (spesielt menn). Jeg hadde ikke vært bevisst klar over disse mønstrene, og erkjennelsen satte alt i perspektiv.

Sarah ledet diskusjonen med en kjærlig medfølelse, og med min beste interesse i tankene. Jeg stolte helt på henne da hun kanaliserte spesifikke meldinger for meg fra de høyeste åndelige plan. Jeg vil sette pris på disse meldingene, og jeg kommer til å følge opp med Sarahs dyrebare veiledning og råd.


Fra bunnen av mitt hjerte, takk Sarah for at du sprer lys og ubetinget kjærlighet til verden!

Emiliya Georgieva


Orange Blossom


Jeg ønsket å takke deg nok en gang for kjærligheten og servicen du yter. Jeg tilbrakte dagen så rolig og rolig at det har vært en fantastisk dag.  

...ville bare fortelle deg takknemligheten jeg føler. Jeg skal prøve tingene du anbefalte, og jeg håper å snakke med deg igjen snart.  

Caylee Pak


Dry Plants

Tenker på deg. Jeg jobber med ren bevissthet og jeg elsker reisen min, det har vært vanskelig, men jeg kommer til så mange erkjennelser.


Jeg vil takke deg for at du har veiledet meg på denne reisen og gitt meg verktøyene til å se meg i min bevissthet, for å se hvem jeg er og hvem jeg var hele tiden.


Jeg ser virkelig på livet annerledes.


Jeg utvider bevisstheten min og gir slipp på alle traumer og situasjoner.


Det er objekter, de definerer ikke meg. Jeg blir ett med ren bevissthet.


Jeg vil takke deg fra bunnen av mitt hjerte for at du har vist meg hvem jeg er.  

Du er fantastisk. Jeg elsker deg. 

Becky Butz


Rose Flower

For en navigatør du er, Snow!

Velsignelser og lovpriser til deg, til ditt arbeid, til ditt uendelig kjærlige hjerte.


Til alle som leser dette, det har jeg  innse at før eller siden er vi alle forlatt, forrådt, ødelagte på en eller annen måte, hver eneste en av oss.


Når vi først har gjort det ugjort, står vi alle overfor et dyptgående valg: enten sov i vår egen lidelses skumle havn, eller seil på sjøene av voldsomme åndelige eventyr – gjennom lynet, tordenen, de forrevne stimene til sanne healing - og tilbake til oss selv.  

Så hvordan dykke ned i dypet, for å omfavne kyklopene, hydraene, gorgonene til våre hellige skygger? Jeg vil oppfordre deg til å finne motet ditt, og så ta ut hånden til Snow og be henne ta rorkulten for å styre skipet.


Hun har seilt disse havene selv, hun holder skattekartet, hun vil seile deg trygt mot det hele.


Og så? 

Du vil plutselig finne deg selv å komme ut av dypet inn i det strålende sollyset til Hvem du virkelig er.  

Er du klar? 

Steven Starr

forente stater

Wooden Window

Jeg er så heldig å jobbe med Sarah. Ikke bare er hun et eksepsjonelt menneske; hun er også dypt klok og kunnskapsrik innen sitt fagfelt.


Da jeg kom til henne var jeg alvorlig uvel og på kortest tid hjalp hun meg med å overvinne og jobbe gjennom mine kroniske smerter og andre områder med fysisk ubehag.


Jeg kan ærlig talt ikke anbefale henne høyt nok.

Vakker innvendig og utvendig.


Som en profesjonell traumeterapeut vet jeg viktigheten av en hjerte-til-hjerte-forbindelse, og Sarah bringer dette og mye mer.


Hun er et sant eksempel på en engel av kjærlighet, lys og helbredelse

Carmel Clark



Sarah holder seg fri, trygg

jordet og kjærlig plass

for deg å reise på dine gjennom steder med dypeste emosjonelle motstand.


Denne reisen med henne har vært en av de mest transformerende i livet mitt.

Debbie Anders

forente stater


Jeg tror at mye av visdommen din lander som et frø jeg ikke alltid anerkjenner potensialet til i begynnelsen, men heldigvis lar jeg den slå rot.


I løpet av til og med noen få uker viser dagbokskrivingen og postingen på nettet meg et økende nivå av forståelse og aksept i meg selv, av en eller annen kosmisk bevissthet jeg ikke helt så eller fikk tilgang til før jeg jobbet med deg...


Dette representerer selvfølgelig et uutnyttet potensial jeg bare kan begynne å drømme om! Ideen om å stole på min intuitive natur er noe jeg slet med tidligere, delvis på grunn av å leve fra et cerebralt venstrehjerneperspektiv 24/7.


Nå, som referert ovenfor, gjenoppdager jeg meg selv på det som føles som et sjeleformålsnivå, noe som føles helt kjent!

Denne kjerneessensen, som hadde blitt dekket over av kulturisering og domestisering, blir gjenfødt gjennom aksept av min sanne natur.


Jeg har kommet til å gjenkjenne min intuisjon som et skilt, relevant for hele reisen min, og peker meg i riktig retning, som er innover og mot sannhet

Sabu - Rewilding Guide

forente stater

Pebbles on the Sand

Hadde akkurat en fantastisk økt med Sarah Snow på Labyrinth Holistic Health  i dag!


Universet er så bra når du lar nåde og takknemlighet strømme gjennom deg!


Jeg vil legge ut denne økten på YouTube-kanalen min for alle som søker veiledning, visdom og kjærlighet å integrere med.

Gjennom disse prøvende og turbulente tidene venter Gud, Kristus-bevisstheten og Kilden bare på at vi skal åpne opp og flyte med oss.


Må vi ta et valg?


Vår reise er en evighet hvor lykke, trygghet og kjærlighet er vår for å spørre.


Vær lyset du vil se i verden.

Aaron Landon

forente stater

Abstract Portrait

Jeg kom til Snow for en personlig Reiki Energy Clearing Session i hjemmet hennes.


Snøen var fantastisk...

Jeg elsket energien hennes,


Hun er en fantastisk healer og jeg anbefaler henne på det sterkeste!

Mn Ivy



Noen dager før jeg satt med Sarah Snow, spurte jeg universet om «akselerasjon.


Wow .... leverte hun på det.


Jeg føler fortsatt de dype effektene av å være med energien hennes.

Hele min ånd ble utvidet og åpnet opp på en betydelig måte.


Siden den gang har jeg møtt en alvorlig serendipity i livet mitt som har akselerert retningen min mot min hensikt og posisjon i dette livet.


Takk Sarah.

Du er fantastisk.

Allison Liss


White Lillies

Min erfaring på Labyrinth Holistic Health var fantastisk.


Snows evne til å lytte og vurdere dine tidligere traumer, til å finne ut hvor det kan være følelsesmessige blokkeringer som må helbredes for meg, er den viktigste delen av prosessen.  


For at vi skal vokse åndelig må vi håndtere det som holder oss tilbake.

Hun ga meg verktøyene jeg trengte for å helbrede og jeg har dem til å bruke resten av livet.


Dette var en livsendrende opplevelse, og jeg vil fortsette å lære og utvikle meg med Labyrinth Holistic Health.


Jeg anbefaler på det sterkeste.

Lethan Williams

forente stater

Ocean Water

Jeg har hatt en økt med Snow så langt, og hun har denne fantastiske tilstedeværelsen og er en utrolig klok sjel.


Hun ga meg noen fantastiske tips for å hjelpe meg med reisen min, og hun er denne enorme bevisstheten som jeg ikke kan forklare med ord.


Hun snakket til meg som om hun var meg, men selv jeg kjenner ikke meg selv like godt som hun kjente meg.

Jeg har fått mye klarhet fra en økt så langt.


Hun forstår fullt ut hvor du er på reisen din.


Hun påpekte visse ting i meg som ikke var i min bevissthet og kastet lys på de områdene som jeg trengte litt klarhet.


Hun er en så fantastisk sjel og kan veilede deg gjennom reisen din og innrette deg med din Souls Path.  

Bella Wahabzada

forente stater

Great Leap

Å jobbe med Snow Forest har vært en vakker velsignelse.


Vi kom på linje med hverandre etter en opplevelse jeg hadde med å høre banking på soveromsdøren min midt på natten som jeg først trodde var en inntrenger, men senere innså vi at det ikke var en faktisk person i hjemmet mitt, men kontakt fra et annet rike. .

Sannsynligvis forsøkte mitt høyere selv å vekke meg og beskytte meg fra mørket jeg gikk inn i etter en alvorlig ryggskade.

Etter vår første økt visste jeg at jeg måtte fortsette på denne reisen med henne.  


Hun fikk meg til å føle meg trygg, elsket, holdt og ivaretatt, med mye medfølelse og empati.


Jeg har en bok full av nedlastingene hennes som har hjulpet meg med å koble sammen prikkene på min sjels reise og har i sin tur følt meg veiledet gjennom å se mine egne skygger, atferdsmønstre og steder der jeg trenger å posisjonere meg i livet. Hun er autentisk og jeg har aldri følt noe ubehag i hennes nærvær.


Jeg har snakket med henne mens hun reiste verden rundt og alltid til rett tid.  


Jeg anbefaler på det sterkeste å jobbe med henne!

Jessi Kohoutek


Soothing Bell

Snø er utrolig begavet med nåde, ydmykhet og orakulær visdom.


Jeg har aldri møtt noen som har følt seg så nær hjemmet som når jeg snakker med henne.


En slik letthet i mottakelighet for hennes veiledning vedvarer i flere uker etter en økt.


Rett og slett livsforbedrende, validerende og trøstende.

"Hvert øyeblikk faller ned over oss en snø"

Harmoni Aura

forente stater


Etter å ha forlatt min første *person-økt med Snow, følte jeg en styrking som varte i flere uker.


Jeg følte meg oppriktig sett, forstått og veiledet på en måte som ingen andre noen gang har tilbudt meg.


Jeg kan ikke anbefale å møte Snow nok.


Hun har en gave.

Meredith Elzea


Cloudy Day

Different things were coming to mind, just remembering.. with the session later in the afternoon... It had crossed my mind pretty firmly that Spirit had been guiding me to practice "thanks" on numerous occasions recently and over the past months..,..


so what you channeled/came through today really drove the point home and was spot on, perfect. 


Thank you for including me in the 1000 thanks.. I really appreciate it...


A myriad  of things came through, and gave me confidence moving forward. 


....Thank you so much for being vulnerable and an open channel, being you.. Later on..I could feel my heart wanting to do the same, open up, pour out. it reminded me of times past, few times... seeing the sacred heart open.., hearing what's true.. 

- Aaron Marvin

Hawaii, United States

Countryside Road_edited.jpg

Wow!!! Thank you for sharing your amazing gift  with me. 


I was desperate for help and direction and wanted to learn of all the unconscious things that were causing me grief and holding me back in this life. 

I prayed to God Eternal - the Divine Source Energy, the Everything that is Everything - for help, and the next day I was presented with Sarah Snow Forest on Mel Denyce's podcast and I knew within minutes my prayer had been answered. 

I didn't, however realize the extent of Sarah's God-given gift; it was like she could invite my mind into her mind and see/know me on many different levels/areas. 

She is a truly gifted, sensitive and caring soul who's here to help those of us who are open, ready to hear and wanting to grow into their full love/light potential.


Thank you, Sarah.

Thank you, Everything.

Love Eternal.

Vic P.


Dandelion Parachute Seed

One of Sarah’s messages to the world is that we are all multidimensional spiritual beings having a human experience, lifetime after lifetime.


My life’s circumstances have been mostly favourable, and I am deeply grateful for everything I have and everyone I’ve met.


Yet, despite all my blessings, I’ve been having this nagging sensation lately that, somehow along the way, I had wandered off my destined spiritual path, and that I wasn’t living my full potential. I sensed an urgency of having to discover more about my path.


My search for answers led me to Sarah. My Soul Path Activation session with her was mind-blowing and eye-opening. The insight and advice I received was so much more than I could have ever hoped for!

From the very beginning of my session with Sarah I felt an instant connection, as if I had known her forever. She is generous and empathetic. She created a space for me where I felt safe, understood and valued.


During our session, she tapped into my soul’s energy, and almost immediately certain emotional blockages and vulnerabilities came to light - a sense of guilt concerning past events, and a fear of having my trust broken again.


Because I hadn’t found the courage to address these painful emotions at the time, I had buried them deep inside.


Sarah helped me realize how this had led to certain repeating patterns in the way I perceived the world and how I acted in my relationships with people (men in particular).


I hadn’t been consciously aware of these patterns, and the realisation put everything into perspective.


Sarah guided the discussion with a loving compassion, and with my best interest in mind. I completely trusted her as she was channelling specific messages for me from the highest spiritual planes.


I will cherish these messages, and I am going to follow through with Sarah’s precious guidance and advice.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you Sarah for spreading your light and unconditional love to the world!

Countryside Road

Two years ago, I reached out to Sarah to gain some perspective on my life and what direction I should be heading in. I was feeling lost and uncertain of myself. After hearing Sarah speak on a podcast, I was convinced that she could help me discover my true identity and path.


During our recorded sessions, Sarah listened to me patiently as we worked through my roadblocks. Through our conversations, I gained a deeper understanding of myself and my unique gifts.


Thanks to Sarah's guidance, I am now on a path that feels authentic and fulfilling, and I am excited to see where it leads me.

Scott G.

United States

Pampas Grass

Prior to my first session with Snow, I was in severe physical pain, feeling hopeless, running on empty, and deeply malnourished spiritually, looping on the same issues, like a broken record. Because of this, I was in a chronic state of anxiety and profound disempowerment that was cutting me off from my own inborn creative capacities and solidity as a man. It was getting hard for me to trust in life’s goodness and be positive. Like Snow, I am a guide who supports people to have profound shifts that enable them to come into precision clarity on their life, but no one’s perfect and at times we all need conscious allies advocating for us to show us another way, to rally for the real Spirit inside when we have forgotten how to believe.


Sometimes we simply need a pure, trustworthy heart to boldly perform the risky cut to sever what is blocking the flow of our power in order to connect us to something greater—a more holistic Divine Order. Snow is an oracle and like a psychic surgeon. What led me to seek Snow’s counsel is her compassionate wisdom. She’s no ordinary woman: she is gentle yet at the same time lovingly fierce, a primordial mystic who feels and is attuned to subtle levels of awareness that even some of the greatest guides rarely have access to.

What I appreciated the most about our work together was the way in which she dialed into the heart and core of the matter beneath all of the issues I was struggling while simultaneously weaving all the parts into a greater, holistic tapestry, a theme that I could actually begin to unravel on my own.


Due to her near-death experience, Snow is all love and has no resistance to the flow of life, which makes her an open channel for miraculous insights to flow through her vessel on behalf of those she assists. Her process is very fluid and subtly powerful, like water, and she has an impeccable way of delivering exactly the activations that your soul is thirsting for. My biggest “aha” came after the session in my integration. It’s as though the pieces of the puzzle regarding the underlying causes of my suffering were finally making themselves apparent to me, and this created a cascade of tremendous inner healing. I began having my own next-level mystical revelations. Following the session, my pain lessened, and it was as though my heart was smiling once again at the sheer delight of life.

To commune with Snow in a sacred space let alone be guided by her is to receive some of the most beautiful soul medicine you never imagined existed. Her skillful guidance led me back to my Self in a way that I am eternally grateful for. After the session, I found myself easily breaking through a core wound that had plagued me all my life. I am still integrating the session 1 month later. This work is perfect for open-hearted spiritual seekers who are adamant about perceiving and discerning their life from a higher perspective and want to break through.


If you have serious questions and are seeking definitive answers of the mystical variety, I urge you to get support from Snow. Her Divine messages will likely rivet your being and spark an inner revolution, as they did for me and countless others. My deep love, care, admiration, and celebration to you Snow…thank you for being—the miracle—who you are, a gift to the world.

Aaron Luminous Hearth

United States

Sunset in the Woods

I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Sarah.   


She has addressed my health issues with compassion and kindness and gave me many ideas to help myself get healthy again after over 30 years.

Her intuition of feeling my pain was spot on.


I hope to stay in future contact if I need any further help with my issues because she is so approachable.

Shirley B.


Fresh Flower

Sarah was kind, sincere, and super present during our session. She shared insights that totally resonated with my whole being! I feel clearer and more aligned after just one session.


She’s truly gifted and sincere. I never felt rushed and knew I was safe to share.

I HIGHLY recommend working with Sarah. I also can’t wait to talk with her again soon and I’m certain that you’ll feel the same after meeting her

Rachel H.

United States

Muddy Beach


I was a wee bit nervous because I was coming into a brand new space. I didn’t need to be articulate- there were no opinions..just a heart to heart. Yes, she met me where I was. We held a loving space open and shared our joy of continuing the growth of our hearts..deepening our experience within the Beloved. We shared our dreams for the expansion of all hearts. Sarah makes herself very available- a true conduit. I’m overjoyed to have CONNECTED.

Natalie McGuire

United States

Basket and Wild Flowers

The story is what did it for me!

I reached the same point in my life and I HAD to meet you! And I did. 

My life will never be the same!

Thank you for sharing!!!!

I've helped so many souls in just one year after meeting with you. 

Your story ignited every DNA cell in my entire body when I heard it. And I had listened to thousands and thousands of stories after my mom passed/ascended. Every single word you spoke woke up my cells and I needed to know why.


Me booking with you is something I can’t explain I was able to do at that point in my life especially without someone with me for support. I knew I needed to speak with you and asap, I was on zoom with you literally 4 days after I saw you on YouTube.


I never listened to another story again after you looking for answers


I am so proud of who you are and who you fought to bring to the surface for yourself but ultimately souls like me & importantly mother Gaia/earth.


I can only receive or give light messages, positive messages to souls and I believe it’s because the activation I got with you is light, love, positive energy.

Melissa Bruno 

United States

White Theme Bouquet

Sarah is an incredible channel for Spirit. She is a fountain of living water!

Our session was a supercharged divine appointment, full of confirmation, affirmation and encouragement. She brought clarity to those places where I was unclear.

The theme of our time together was Divine Union, and we interfaced together from that place of transcendent unity. I came away with renewed energy and purpose.

Our session was so rich, I’ll be returning to our conversation again and again. I can safely mark our meeting as my launchpad into the future.

It was one of the most precious experiences I’ve ever had. Thank you so much Sarah. xo

Memorial Red Rose

Thank you so much for the amazing session. It is helping tremendously already.


I love and appreciate your beautiful Divine essence radiating joy,


Truth, and Love, a healing balm for us all.

Jennie Anahata

United States

Yellow Flowers

I had a fantastic experience working with Sarah to help resolve my young son's epilepsy.


Sarah was able to intuit extremely helpful suggestions to bring his overall health into a more balanced state.


This led to huge improvements not only in terms of the seizures but also his sleep and overall contentment. Sarah approached our sessions with sensitivity and openness, which I feel allowed them to flow in a very organic way.


I much preferred this to more formulaic approaches we've tired previously, as it felt like she always made the effort to understand.


Through our discussions Sarah also led me to see a much bigger picture in which my own path and my son's are intimately connected.


This has left me with a renewed sense of purpose, especially with regard to the 'little things' in life.


Altogether I found my time working with Sarah very beautiful and I am truly grateful for the experience, which has been one of the most meaningful of my life.


Paul Anderson

United Kingdom

Autumn Road

That day changed my life.


I knew I had to leave the relationship I was in and begin to dismantle the white picket fence. 

Raina Lutz



Sarah, I truly want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, you are a BEAUTIFUL SOUL

You spoke 100% the truth and thank you for peeling the layers. You gave me understanding, clarity and affirm what I knew all along, I needed this, you guiding me...

I am overflowing with gratitude.

Veronica Cerva

South Africa


Takk Sarah for økten vår, helt siden jeg har lært å redusere stresset mitt ved å pusteøvelser, og så enkelt som det høres ut har det hjulpet meg enormt.  

Samtalen vi hadde ga meg også innsikt i mine tidligere traumer og innvirkningene det fortsatt har på meg i dag.  

Jeg lærer å tilgi andre så vel som meg selv. 

Jeg har fortsatt en liten vei å gå, men jeg er på rett vei og har nå de nødvendige verktøyene.  

Jeg er evig takknemlig og anbefaler en økt på det sterkeste. 

Lethan Williams

forente stater


Ord kan ikke begynne å beskrive transformasjonen min de siste månedene.


Jeg så Snow for første gang for 3 måneder siden da jeg var ujordet, fortapt og fragmentert. Jeg hadde gått gjennom en av de vanskeligste tidene i livet mitt. Møtene mine med Snow tar meg ut av den falske virkelighetsoppfatningen, bryter det hele ned på den mest kjærlige og milde måten (men fortsatt intens), og selv om hun ikke fysisk er her med meg mens jeg reiser gjennom livet mitt til dag, hennes ord og energi bæres med meg. Hun har lært meg at uansett hvor mørkt det virker, så er alt nåde og perfekt.  


Hennes tro, hennes tillit og hennes tro på den høyeste delen av meg løfter meg til en høyere og høyere vibrasjon hver dag, og jeg blir minnet om hvem jeg egentlig er. Hun har en energi av ren kjærlighet, aksept og medfølelse, og har plass til meg med kraft selv om hun er på den andre siden av verden.  


Jeg har sett mange healere, synske og coacher, og jeg har aldri stolt på noen på den måten jeg stoler på Snow. Alt hun foreslår for meg stemmer overens med sjelen min, så jeg gjør alt hun foreslår. Dette har bidratt til en stor transformasjon på så kort tid. Jeg er så dypt beæret over å være på denne reisen med henne.

Takk, Snow, for det du gjør. xoxoxox

Debbie Baharian



Kjære søster, jeg føler en oppvåkning av noe annerledes på innsiden; en røring av følelser, en utvidelse i hjertet og det har en stemme. Den er stille, men den har tilstedeværelse og føles støttet av et hav av styrke.


Jeg går forsiktig med den, er vitne til og gir den rom og tid til å ta naturlig form. Jeg føler meg spent!!  

Jeg er glad for at jeg handlet i øyeblikket og nådde ut for din tidløse visdom, kraft og jordiske omsorg.


Du er en terskelveileder, en seer for søkere – kaller dem ut av usikkerhetens kvikksand og veileder dem inn på veiene til gjenfødelse og frigjøring.  

Du er en kvinne som står kraftfullt og trofast på sin Gud gitte styrkestøtte.  

Du er en skapelses livmor, som inviterer drømmen, aksepterer den og snakker den til med kjærlighet. Du gir styrke tilbake til de som er usikre. Som den guddommelige mor er du en oppdrager.  

Måtte alle kvinner stå på deres plass, ta tak i sine menn, sønner og døtre og vanne dem med kjærligheten som vokser.  

Velsignelser og kjærlighet

Selase Dugbaza


Beach at Sunset

Jeg dro til Snow for å få støtte til å helbrede livmoren, eggstokken og for å regulere hormonene og følelsene mine.


Det var som om hun visste hva som skjedde med meg før jeg i det hele tatt kom. Hennes empatiske lytting, tilstedeværelse og refleksjoner tente min egen dypere intuisjon og selvbevissthet.  

Hun tilbød meg en rekke vibrasjonsankere, emosjonell innsikt og medisin.  

Noen måneder senere etter implementering har hormonene og følelsene mine regulert seg betydelig!!

Dette er en total livsforandrer.

Snø er en måte dusj.  Hun veileder med så mye medfølelse, letthet og kjærlighet.  

Jeg er takknemlig for å ha jobbet med henne og vil anbefale hennes tjenester!  

Leah Barsher



Snø har forandret LIVET mitt.

Jeg har jobbet med henne i ca. 6-7 år nå, og hun har støttet meg gjennom min åndelige reise og også min MARMHELSE-reise.

Nylig sliter Snow med tarmhelsen min, og ledet meg virkelig til en sunnere og gladere meg.

Tusen takk!

Jetty Ly


Tropical Plant

Snow er virkelig en jeg følger nøye med mens hun snakker.


Jeg har lært så mye av henne om å leve i en høyvibrasjonstilstand, åpne hjertet og ta avgjørelser fra intuisjon.


Hun er en av de menneskene som virkelig kan fremkalle en utvidet følelse av potensial hos de rundt henne.


Ta kontakt med Sarah hvis du ønsker å fyre opp inspirasjonen din!


Å leve mer i tråd med din sanne hensikt!!


Ta kontakt med henne og se det skje

Will Deroode 

Hiking Boots

Tusen takk til Snow Forest fra "Labyrinth Holistic Health", og Tamara McLellan fra "My Wild Heart" for å ha gitt meg en endagsopplevelse som har forandret livet mitt.  Denne jordiske tilværelsen for å si det sånn.

Sarah og Tamara slo seg sammen for å tilby den mest utrolige workshopen noensinne:

  "Leve et fullt bevisst liv"

i Big White/Kelowna-området i Canada

De gikk utover i hva de ga for vår gruppe; dagen var rik på kunnskap og aktiviteter (yoga, fotturer, diskusjon, meditasjon, mat, te).

Forbundet med andre, marinert i naturen & vitamin D; egentlig, jeg kunne ikke ha bedt om mer.


Gleder meg til neste arrangement!


Takk skal du ha! Namaste

Andrea Tomlinson


Palm Trees Beach View

Wow. Økten min var for nesten en uke siden, og jeg er fortsatt helt, vakkert lamslått.


Det var en sann ære å snakke og få kontakt med Sarah. Hun hjalp meg med å se inn i mitt sanne jeg og veien og bekreftet videre det jeg allerede visste innerst inne.


Jeg er helt imponert over hennes gave og intuisjon.


Selv om økten var virtuell, kunne jeg virkelig føle varmen fra hennes kjærlighet og støtte til meg og min reise hit.


Takk, Sarah, for at du deler gaven din for å hjelpe til med å løfte menneskeheten og hjelpe oss å se en klarere vei. Så mye kjærlighet.


Vi sees på min neste økt.

Jasmine Williams

forente stater

Snow Forest Road

Sara har en kunnskap i seg som er så klok og så betryggende...jeg anbefaler henne på det sterkeste.


Hun visste ting om livet mitt og meg uten at jeg sa noe.


Ord kan ikke formidle hvor hinsides intuitiv hun er!

Rachel Stone

forente stater

Mount Fuji in the Spring

Det er en opplevelse når man kommuniserer med Snow.!


Sjel nærende å få kontakt med henne da hun vil "møte" deg uansett hvor du er på din jordreise/formål/oppdrag.

Tina Marie Bueno

forente stater

Abstract Background

Jeg hadde et fantastisk par dager bortepostøkt.  Jeg følte meg så kraftfull og magisk...

Det var ubeskrivelig hvordan du ser meg.

Jeg følte meg dypt gjenkjent på en måte du kunne fange essensen av gjenkjennelse med den berømte replikken i filmen Avatar "I see you"


Energiene våre til sammen var spennende...WOW

Madison Markis


Rustic Beach Path

Jeg opplevde et kraftig energiskifte i går kveld, massive nedlastinger som bare min sjel kan tolke. Jeg har ikke ord for å beskrive opplevelsen fordi jeg ikke har noe å sammenligne den med, å gi den et navn. Dette sinnet kan bare beskrive det som helt fantastisk, helt overveldende lol...

Å vite at du har spilt en rolle som lysarbeider og kom tilbake bare for min oppstigning, er bare *den tapte sauen* allerede før overveldende i 3D-sinnet. Pure Essence of Sacrifice er = KJÆRLIGHET 

Melissa Bruno
forente stater

Plant Biology

Det siste halvannet året har Snow fungert som både en pålitelig venn og en guide, og støttet mine indre overganger med kjærlighet, oppmuntring og innsikt.


Det er utrolig trøstende for meg å vite at jeg kan kalle på Sarah når jeg gjennomgår forskjellige endringer og temaer i livet mitt – fra helse, til død og klage, til forhold og åndssaker.


Når det er sagt, anbefaler jeg på det sterkeste å jobbe med Snow for et bredt spekter av spørsmål og støtte.


Hun har vært en så vakker gave i livet mitt!"

Payton Pereux


Home Decor

Jeg har hatt to fantastiske økter med Sarah.


Hun er som en lenge tapt venn jeg aldri visste at jeg hadde.  

Hun har forandret livet mitt!  

For en velsignelse å ha henne i livet mitt. hun avslørte for meg hva sjelen min sannsynligvis prøvde å fortelle meg i lang tid. Jeg fulgte hennes veiledning, og jeg har vært ekstremt glad siden den gang.  

Jeg anbefaler henne på det sterkeste hvis du vil finne ut hva formålet med sjelen din er i dette livet.  

Tamara Trejo

forente stater

Autumn Road

Jeg anbefaler Sarah på det sterkeste. Hun har brakt stor lettelse for min generelle helse på en måned.


Hun er veldig intuitiv og begavet.


Jeg planlegger å ta hennes hjelp for å komme meg ut av min kroniske sykdom relatert til tarmen.  Jeg elsker hennes rolige og kjærlige energi. .

Vineeta  Srivastava Desai  



I am so grateful for Sarah Snow, and immensely glad that I reached out for her mentorship. She helped me to connect some major “life” puzzle pieces that I was struggling with, and walked by my side to a place where I now understand more than I ever have about “the big picture” and how to direct my focus and energy within it.

The space that Sarah creates is sacred, and her presence within it is rich with intuition, love, and grace. She flowed with me in this space, observed what was in my heart, reciprocated joy for the things I had ascertained, and skillfully illuminated staircases toward things I hadn’t.


It felt as if I came to Sarah with a heap of possible “keys” I’d collected all my life, and she helped me to identify and clean the ones that will truly open doors. It was one of the most incredible spiritual growth experiences I’ve had; it was exactly what I needed at this point in my spiritual journey.

- Phil Price

United States

Hot spring in the forest

Working with Sarah gave me clarity on a great many things.


She taught me that my mind has more control over my life than I ever thought, and that to use it I had to find balance within my life and myself.


She was also extremely open to conversation and deep discussions about things, and always is genuinely interested in what I had to say.


She levelled with me in a way nobody ever really had before and I am impressed at just how much my life changed after one session


Highly recommended for anyone. 

Dante Batra

United States


I am beyond blessed to work with Sarah. Not only is she an exceptional human being; she is also profoundly wise intuitive and knowledgeable in her field of expertise.

When I came to her I was seriously unwell and in the shortest time she helped me to overcome and work through my chronic pain and other areas of physical malaise.


I honestly cannot recommend her highly enough. Beautiful inside and out.


As a professional trauma therapist myself I know the importance of a heart to heart connection and Sarah brings this and so much more.


She is a true example of an Angel of Love, Light and Healing.

Carmel Clark



I really wanted to thank you for today, from the very deeps of my soul and the love of God THANK YOU!!!  I promise I will continue working with you. 


There is so much to be said about my appoint with Sarah Snow today. She is genuine, down to earth, and real.


There is no other way of saying this, but I thank God that I had this meeting today. It has reaffirmed and reinforces everything I have known, but not fully acted on.


There are magic moments in one’s life, but this was miraculously amazing.  


Her reading was accurate and precise and touched on not only what I had to work on, but how to connect with others in a major way.  


Thank you, Sarah for bringing back a piece of home. 

Philip E.

United States

Close Up of Pink Roses

Sarah, jeg vil virkelig takke deg fra bunnen av mitt hjerte, du er en VAKKER SJEL

Du snakket 100% sant og takk for at du skrellet lagene. Du ga meg forståelse, klarhet og bekreftet det jeg visste hele tiden, jeg trengte dette, du veiledet meg...

Jeg flyter over av takknemlighet.

Veronica Cerva


Orange Blossom

Working with Sarah has been extremely valuable. 

The sessions were full of insights and revelations, to the point where listening to the sessions again (often more than once) was absolutely necessary in order to 'get' everything that was being said. 

the change in my life has been mostly about relaxing more in the awareness that I am, and letting go of the limiting and confused thoughts that pop in, to bigger space of awareness. This may seem like a small thing to get, but it's definitely not, the impact of it has been profound in most (if not all) areas of my life. 

These include a greater sense of peace; a knowing that I am that I am able to face any perceived challenge that comes up in my life; the sense of joy and appreciation for life that has always been in the background of my life has increased and expanded; and I was able to commit to making decision that will for sure change the course of the rest of my life. 

If you're struggling in your life, whether it's because of something specific, or even if you're just bothered by a nagging sense of discontent, work with Sarah and listen to the sessions more than once. If your experience is anything like mine, your experience of life, and your level of awareness will improve a lot!

John S


Calm Lake

I would definitely recommend Labyrinth Holistic Health for anyone seeking healing. 

I got the Emotional Healing Package and it was 100% worth it. I am much better now after our healing sessions and I am eternally grateful for what Sarah has helped me work through. 

Sarah is very gifted and God/Source really works through her to get you what you needs. 

Greg Cox

United States

Sea Salt

...a very heart-felt “Thank you”.  I’m still processing our session and I’m in deep gratitude for you and the “work” we will be doing together in the near future. I’m feeling very different since speaking with you.


My heart is lighter yet, there’s an intensity and focus that’s new…. and a Peace I have rarely felt before. It will be July when we start our next session and I cannot wait! I send you happy thoughts and love. Until we meet again… In gratitude      

Sunrise over the Wheat Field

Sarah is endowed with the Holy Light that shines brighter than usual. Her grace and wisdom will help you unfold and feel at home and as if speaking with an old friend.


Her wisdom is deep so listen well and sit on it. Sarah may open a page at random in a book and start reading a portion that seems carved for you.This is in the flow of the Light.


She is opening up to humanity a more clear understanding of the very nature of Jesus. Sarah helped me resolve some of the important lingering questions I had in my soul about Jesus since my deconversion from Christianity's dogmas.


I can witness that she was used by the Divine to give me direction and tools to deal with my burdens that I shared with her. Sarah, Thank you for being real.